A global cohort study on COVID-19 and tuberculosis
The COVID-19 pandemic presents an unprecendented impact on public health. As an emerging threat, its effect on the pathophysiology and management of a complex disease such as tuberculosis (TB) is not yet known. Increasing the knowledge about the clinical course of disease among COVID-19 patients with concurrent or past TB disease will thus be important.
The WHO Collaborating Centre for Tuberculosis and Lung Diseases (Italy) is supporting the WHO Global TB Programme by collecting case-based epidemiological and clinical data on people with COVID-19 and TB (or with a previous history of TB). These data will help characterise the natural history of disease when both conditions occur in the same individual. The objective is to pool case records from local or national databases across the world and regularly summarize the patient features as a prospective, non-interventional, observational study.
The global COVID-19 and tuberculosis database will collect key variables for each case according to a study protocol.
Countries, surveillance projects and researchers are invited to contribute data.
If you are interested to take part in this study please contact:
Rosella Centis
E-mail: rosella.centis@icsmaugeri.it
Lia D’Ambrosio
E-mail: liadambrosio59@gmail.com